Matura Student Survey 2024

Project Team: Anna Dibiasi, Judith Engleder, Martin Unger
Duration: 2023-2024
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)

Following on from the results of the Matura student survey 2022, the IHS is also conducting the Matura student survey 2024 on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research.

In an online survey from 18th of March 2024, all prospective Matura students from academic and vocational secondary schools in Austria (excluding schools for professionals, ‘Kollegs’ and ‘Aufbaulehrgänge’) of the 2023/24 cohort will be asked about their plans after the Matura. Since the survey should preferably be completed in class (similar to PISA or Kangaroo), the survey link will be distributed via the schools by printed invitation. Completing the questionnaire takes approx. 30 minutes and is ideally done on a computer/tablet. Participation in the survey is voluntary.

The Matura student survey examines the key factors influencing students' plans after the Matura. Another question addresses the topic of how well the students feel informed, advised and supported in their decision-making.

The Matura student survey 2022 showed that, taking different characteristics into account, self-efficacy expectations of being able to successfully complete a degree programme have a much greater effect on the probability of taking up a degree programme than the actual grades. In addition, the influence of the family, the behaviour of the peer group and the degree of information also play a significant role. Furthermore, the study shows that Matura students make many decisions without feeling sufficiently informed about those decisions. From their perspective, the information available often only helps them to a limited extent (results of the Matura Student Survey 2022).