Student Social Survey 2023 (Studierenden-Sozialerhebung)

Project Lead: Vlasta Zucha
Team: Judith Engleder, Nora Haag, Bianca Thaler, Martin Unger, Sarah Zaussinger, Anna Dibiasi, Johanna Dau, David Binder, Kerstin Rieder, Kathrin Fenz, Ilinca Fage, Theresa Weinöhrl
Duration: 2022-2024
Funding: Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research (BMBWF)

The Student Social Survey is a survey of students in Austria that has been conducted at regular intervals since the 1970s. The research group "Higher Education Research" at the Institute for Advanced Studies conducts the most recent survey during summer semester 2023.

Since most of the information collected through the Student Social Survey is not otherwise available, the report is an important information basis for higher education policy. The objective of the survey is to be able to provide an overview of the social situation of regular students at universities, universities of applied sciences, universities of teacher education and private universities.

The survey data is complemented by administrative data from the Higher Education Statistics and will be published in various reports in the year 2024.

The connection to EUROSTUDENT makes the Austrian Student Social Survey valuable for international analysis. The data for international comparison are used in the Bologna Process and by international organisations like the EU.

Initial results of the Student Social Survey can be found in the EUROSTUDENT 8 Synopsis of Indicators 2021-2024 report.

Additional information on the survey is available on the project website

Twitter: @sozialerhebung