Gender Mainstreaming in public policy and budget processes

Project Team: Angela Wroblewski, Andrea Leitner
Duration: 2022-2024
Coordinator: Expertise France Group AFD
Commissioner: European Commission, DG Reform (Technical Support Instruments)

Logo Gender Flagship

This flagship project aims to increase the awareness of policies for promoting Gender Equality across seven Member States. The project supports the beneficiary administrations to analyse policies and budgeting processes from a gender mainstreaming perspective. Its aim is to ensure that all citizens, regardless of their gender, are able to fully participate and contribute to a fair society. Support is provided to build capacity and implement good practices, methodologies and tools for mainstreaming gender (equality) throughout the policy making process. The project will also facilitate peer learning opportunities between the participating Member State authorities. The project’s ultimate/long-term goal is to generate structural reforms through improving gender equality outcomes in policy actions taken by the beneficiary administrations.

IHS supports Berlin (Abteilung Frauen und Gleichstellung) regarding the further development of Gender Equality Policies within the framework provided by the project „Gender Mainstreaming in public policy and budget processes”. The support is based on the reflexive approach to gender equality policy development and implementation. The approach has been developed based on the experiences of accompanying the development, monitoring and evaluation of gender equality policies in higher education institutions, schools and public administration. The approach is based on the assumption that effective gender equality policy – a policy which leads to a change of gendered practices –follows an evidence based, cyclical and reflexive approach.

Project implementation comprises the following three components:

  1. Analysing the existing practices and confirming specific needs of the beneficing authority Berlin in order to strengthen the integration of GM, through the application of GM tools such as gender mainstreaming (GM), gender action plans (GAPs) or gender impact assessment (GIA)
  2. Operationalisation: Capacity building and implementation of GB, GIA or GAP tools
  3. Capitalisation: Embedding the new practices and enabling their duplication in the institution

For further information, please visit the project website.