Selected Projects

Maintaining Social Peace and Solidarity as Challenges for Austria’s Internal Security: Foundations, Challenges, Solutions

Principal Investigator: Susanne Kirchner
Project Members: Barbara Angleitner, Hermann Kuschej, Karin Schönpflug et al
Project Start & Duration: September 2017 to August 2020
Funding: Federal Ministry of the Interior, Republic of Austria (BM.I)

Project Information: IHS and the Austrian Ministry of Interior are investigating strategies and measures to increase security and solidarity in Austria. The goals of this research program are a better understanding of the foundations of and challenges to social peace and solidarity in Austria, an increase in quality and quantity of available data concerning this subject, and a more concentrated exchange with other scientists and social and political decision makers on a national, European and international level.

The Ministry of Interior's in-house magazine "Öffentliche Sicherheit" published an article in its July/August edition about the cooperation with the IHS titled "Sicherheit messbar machen" (in German).

Employment Monitoring of selected migrants in Austria

Pilot project to create a social-insurance data-based monitoring of the employment situation of selected migrants on the Austrian Labour Market

Principal Investigator: Susanne Kirchner
Project Members: Barbara Angleitner, Viktor Dorofeenko, Hermann Kuschej, Dominik Walch
Project Start & Duration: November 2016 until May 2017
Funding: ÖIF (Österreichischer Integrationsfonds - Austrian Integration Fund)

Validation of Hanoverian Corruption Scale (HCS 38 A)

Principal Investigator: Susanne Kirchner
Project Members: Susanne Kirchner, Leopold Sögner in cooperation with MAKAM Research GmbH
Project Start & Duration: November 2016 until April 2017
Funding: Federal Ministry of the Interior (BM.I)

Cyber Crime

The social media user in Austria and their experiences with relevant criminal activities.


Principal Investigator: Susanne Kirchner
Project Members: Barbara Angleitner (in cooperation with MAKAM Research GmbH)
Project Start & Duration: January 1, 2014 until June 30, 2015
Funding: KIRAS Security Research

Project information: Website KIRAS - Project Cyber Crime (in German)

Kirchner, Susanne / Sögner, Leopold (October 2016): An Exploratory Analysis on the Risk to be Offended on the Internet. IHS Economics Series 325, 38 p; Open publication in the IRIHS repository

Kirchner, Susanne and Angleitner, Barbara (2016) Cyber Crime. Die Social Media-Nutzer in Österreich und ihre Erfahrungen mit kriminalpolizeilich relevanten Aktivitäten. In: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (bmvit). Stabsstelle für Technologietransfer und Sicherheitsforschung, (ed.) Wissenschaf(f)t Sicherheit. Studienband 3. Wien: Bundesministerium für Verkehr, Innovation und Technologie (bmvit), pp. 45-57. View publication in the IHS Repository

Economic Impact of the Cinema Sector on Austria

Principal Investigator: Hermann Kuschej
Project Members: Barbara Angleitner, Sarah Lappoehn, Alexander Schnabl
Project Start & Duration: March 2017 until October 2017
Funding: WKÖ – Wirtschaftskammer Österreich (WKO - Austrian Economic Chambers)

Project information: The study analyzes the importance of movie theaters in Austria and their impact on the economy.

International Symposium Gambling Addiction and Comorbidity

Contact: Hermann Kuschej
Funding: City of Klagenfurt

Hermann Kuschej spoke about 'Social Costs of Gambling' at the Symposium 'Spielsucht und Komorbidität - wirtschaftliche und therapeutische Aspekte' organised by the counseling service for gambling addicts of the City of Klagenfurt on April 7, 2017.

Presentation (pdf in German)

Vienna Gender Equality Monitoring Report

Principal Investigator: Andrea Leitner
Project Members: Anna Dibiasi, Karin Schönpflug
Project Duration: May 2011 – June 2017
Financing: City of Vienna – MA57

Project Information: Gender monitoring is an essential tool to raise awareness for inequalities and to improve gender equality by evidence based policies. In a participative process including professional experts of the City of Vienna and researchers of different topics and based on previously defined equality objectives a set of gender indicators was developed. The Gender Monitor relates to a broad understanding of equality going beyond the usual topics and indicators. The second wave of the gender equality monitor offers results on the progress of gender equality in Vienna in specific topics and relations between different aspects of life.

More information: Vienna Gender Euqality Monitoring Report (pdf)

Urban sexual geographies, queer citizenship and the socio-economic status of LGBTIQs in Vienna

Principal Investigator: Karin Schönpflug
Project Members: Hermann Kuschej, Christine Klapeer, Roswitha Hofmann
Project Start & Duration: August 1, 2016 until July 30, 2017
Funding: OenB - Jubiläumsfonds Project No. 17049