Participation Processes at local government level in Vienna

Principal Investigator: Michael Jonas
Project Team: Simeon Hassemer
Project Duration: 2017-2018
Funding: Arbeiterkammer Wien

Project Information: For several years one could observe a rise of various consultative as well as deliberative forms and modes of participation in the Viennese context. However, in a scientific and political discourse there is argued from specific positions, that these ‘increasings’ of practices, in which actors are involved, are unequal distributed through time and space.

To approach this issue, the project follows the aims to study and analyze current processes of participation in the Viennese context at a local government level hereby focusing particularly on socio-economic aspects and on possible forms of in- and exclusion.

Therefore, an extensive empirical collection of data (i.e. visual data, documents, expert interviews, observations, home page memos) is conducted, that especially gives insights in the spatiality and geographies of inequalities as well as in those based on ‘gender’, ‘age’ and ‘ethnicity’.