Project Team:  Angela Wroblewski

Project Duration: 2017-2021

Commissioner: Federal Ministry of Science, Research and Economy (BMWFW)


The Institute for Advanced Studies is the Austrian partner in this international project (on behalf o f the Austrian Ministry of Science, Research and Economy), particularly in Task 3.

GENDERACTION will create an innovative policy community for the implementation of the gender priority in the European Research Area (ERA) by setting up a network of representatives appointed by national authorities in 13 Member States (MS) and Associated Countries, with 5 associate partners. The objective is to facilitate networking and exchange among more and less experienced countries to develop knowledge and build capacities, competences and know-how for gender equality and mainstreaming in research and innovation (R&I) among a variety of European and national stakeholders.

The network will (1) map, monitor and assess implementation of actions in priority 4 gender equality and gender mainstreaming in national ERA roadmaps of the participating countries and benchmark them against the ERA roadmap; (2) foster exchange and mutual learning among representatives of national authorities in order to achieve policy coordination in priority 4; (3) provide interactive trainings to relevant stakeholders such as national authorities, RFOs and RPOs and NCPs with a view to building competences in priority 4; (4) give strategic advice to key stakeholders to achieve gender equality in R&I in Europe; (5) foster the inclusion of gender equality in international science cooperation (supporting the work of relevant ERA-related groups). The network will cooperate closely with the Helsinki Group on Gender in Research and Innovation. Iterative dissemination, engagement and impact evaluation strategies drive all planned activities.

GENDERACTION’s impact will be (1) a robust policy process to implement gender equality in R&I; (2) foster policy coordination among MS and with Horizon 2020, (3) greater consistency of gender equality policies and actions across Europe; and (4) enhanced integration of gender equality in international cooperation in R&I. Implementation will be assisted by two Advisory Boards, on ERA priority 4 implementation and on Gender in international cooperation in STI.

For further information, please visit the project website: