Team: Martin Unger, Robert Jühlke, Philipp Droll, Johanna Dau, Angelika Grabher-Wusche, Sigrid Maurer
Duration: 2018–2019
Funding: European Commission

The EUROGRADUATE Pilot Survey, as a follow-up of the EUROGRADUATE Feasibility Study, aims to provide the European Commission and the countries with sound evidence allowing a well-informed decision if a European wide graduate survey should be conducted periodically. Thus the project intends to provide clear and concrete guidelines for how such a full study can provide data of the highest attainable quality which is comparable across all EU countries, and answers the most urgent policy questions posed by stakeholders at national and European level. Moreover, this pilot survey produces high quality data for the participating countries, within the limits set by the pilot study, which has a policy value in its own right.

The pilot survey took place in fall 2018 in 6 pilot countries (one of them Austria). The survey targets graduates one and five years after graduation order to cover their short- and mid-term development. The core topics covered by the EUROGRADUATE Pilot Survey are: labour market relevance, skills, (international) mobility and democratic values.

The pilot project is carried out by the EUROGRADUATE consortium: Research Centre for Education and the Labour Market (Maastricht), German Centre for Higher Education Research and Science Studies (Hanover), Institute for Advanced Studies (Vienna), DESAN Research Solutions (Amsterdam), cApStAn (Brussels/ Philadelphia), GESIS Leibnitz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften (Cologne).

HER at IHS is one of the three leading partners in the consortium and is responsible for conducting the survey in the pilot countries in close collaboration with national research partners.

For further information, please visit the project website: