Searching for Articles
For a multi-disciplinary search, Scopus is a valuable tool.
Scopus is a large abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed articles. It furthermore provides tools to track, analyse and visualise research. If the IHS library subscribes to the respective journal, you have also access to the fulltexts (click at "view at publisher" and you will be redirected).
Articles in Economics you may find in the database EconLit (index and abstracts only).
For detailed information about the journals included in EconLit and the periods covered see the coverage lists of EconLit (html).
If you use Google to get an overview, please keep in mind:
A search via Google Scholar does not provide information security. It is not possible to know, which resources from which publishers and which periods are covered by your search nor, how they are ranked. This information is provided by a search in databases like EconLit or in the catalogues of University libraries.
Articles which are available through a library subscription are identified in Google Scholar with the "IHS full text link" on the right hand side or, if part of SocINDEX, with the link "EBSCOhost Full Text".