Dr. Sebastian Koch

  • Macroeconomics and Business Cycles
Head of Research Group, Sprecher für Inflation und Preise
+43 1 59991 126

Field of interests: 

  • Inflation
  • Business cycles
  • Forecasting
  • Transport
  • Data visualisation
Bild Sebastian Koch
  • Links to IHS tools:


    Here is a list of publicly accessible tools which we are currently developing:


    The IHS Preismonitor analyses inflation with a focus on Austrian data: inflation.ihs.ac.at. CPI data according to the national definition as well as harmonised data are shown. The tool also provides producer and wholesale price developments.

    MyInflationTool compares price developments across Europe: myinflationtool.com

    Economic Activity:

    The IHS high-frequency monitor provides data on the economic activity of Austria along a selection of very recent time series: monitor.ihs.ac.at


    The following tools are only accessible with an IHS account. (Just send me an email for access.)

    Business cyle indicators:

    The IHS subdomain bci.ihs.ac.at shows detailed business cylce indicators for Manufacturing, Construction, Retail, Services and Consumers. It contains detailed subsector data for most of the European countries. It also anaylsis various limits to production (e.g. material shortages). Sources: DG ECFIN, Eurostat.

    VGR / ESA:

    The IHS subdomain esa.ihs.ac.at  takes a structured view on national accounts data. It is build for an easy comparability of European economies across time. A vintage database enables you to follow up on data revisions. Based on Eurostat data. Source: Eurostat.


    The IHS subdomain trade.ihs.ac.at shows detailed Austrian import and export data by trade partner and product group. Source: Statistik Austria.