Karim Bekhtiar, PhD
- European Governance, Public Finance and Labor Markets
Applied Microeconomics
Labor Economics
Regional Economics
Political Economy
Distributional Economics
I joined the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) in September 2018 as a Junior Researcher and PhD-Candidate. In January 2024 I obtained my PhD in Economics from the Johannes Kepler University in Linz. Currently I am employed as a post-doctoral researcher at the IHS, where my research broadly focuses on Labor Economics and Applied Microeconometrics.
Current Working Papers
The Decline of Manufacturing Employment and the Rise of the Far-Right in Austria 2023.
IHS Working Paper 50
[Current Version]
R&R at the Journal of Public EconomicsRobotization, Internal Migration and Rural Decline 2022,
IHS Working Paper 41
[Current Version]
[Non technical presentation (in German)]Work in Progress
Automation and Mental Health (with Lea Cassar, Ulrich Glogowsky and Stephan Meier)
Unemployment Insurance and Labor Mobility (with Rudolf Winter-Ebmer)
The Global Decline of the Labor Share: Capital Labor Substitution under
Collective Wage BargainingPublications in Peer Reviewed Journals
Robots at Work? Pitfalls of Industry Level Data (with Benjamin Bittschi & Richard Sellner) 2021,
Journal of Applied Econometrics (forthcoming)
Will the Sustainable Development Goals be fulfilled? Assessing present and future global poverty. (with Jesus Crespo-Cuaresma, Wolfgang Fengler, Homi Kharas, Michael Brottrager & Martin Hofer) 2018,
Nature Journals: Palgrave Communications, 4(1), 29.Other Work
Evaluation des Sozialbetrugsbekämpfungsgesetzes: Sozialbetrug durch Scheinunternehmen im Bauwesen (with Gerlinde Titelbach) 2021, Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit.
Mobilität und Persistenz im Niedriglohnsektor (with Gerlinde Titelbach) 2019,
Studie des Instituts für Höhere Studien, gefördert aus Mitteln des Bundesministeriums für Arbeit, Soziales und KonsumentenschutzRisky assets in Europe and the US: risk vulnerability, risk aversion and economic environment (with Pirmin Fessler & Peter Lindner) 2019,
ECB Working Paper Series 2270 (retired/permanent Working Paper)Technologischer Fortschritt und Ungleichheit: eine empirische Analyse der Entwicklung in Österreich 2008-2014 (with Maximilian Unger, Stella Zilian, Wolfgang Polt, Wilfried Altzinger & Timon Scheuer) 2017,
Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft, Band 43 (3), pp. 405-437