In 1963, with the support of Paul F. Lazarsfeld, Oskar Morgenstern, the Ford Foundation, and the Austrian Federal Government, a non-university institute was established that introduced modern empirical social and economic research to Austria. Since its founding, the Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS) has cultivated generations of top academic talent. Many of its alumni have gone on to hold influential positions in research, business, government, and various organizations.
Today, the IHS is a key player in economic and socio-political discussions, providing outstanding applied research and independent scientific policy advice. With the launch of the Excellence Initiative in 2023, the institute’s influence is set to grow even more in the future.
The IHS is structured as an association under Austrian law. Its primary decision-making body is the Board of Trustees. The Scientific Advisory Board and Stakeholder Committee provide additional guidance.
The Institute operates on a two-tier system, led by Scientific Director Prof. Dr. Holger Bonin and General Manager Mag.(FH) Julia Studencki.
Research Groups form the backbone of the Institute's scientific work, with many projects carried out by teams across different units. The research units are supported by both administrative and scientific services.