IHS Seminar: Beate Littig

Green jobs, sustainable work or  the ecology of labour  - rising discursive stars?

The links between sustainable development and work have been marginalized for decades. This has changed in the last 10 years, since the concept of the “green economy” and “green jobs” has been promoted by various UN-organizations and became parts of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). While supra- and international as well as national politics mainly refer to these concepts other discursive strands have been developed which focus on “sustainable work”, an approach which is  particularly discussed in socio-ecological research institutions and NGOs critical to economic growth. This concept demands a broad socio-ecological transformation of the current non-sustainable working societies towards sustainability. Within  the (German) trade unionist context the “ecology of labour” has been presented just recently, linking the concept of good labour to ecological issues. The presentation will give an overview of the various strands of the discourse of sustainable development and work and discuss their political perception.

To register please send an email to event(at)ihs.ac.at.