Good Science and Silenced Security

Dagmar Rychnovská, who is working at IHS as a Marie Sklodowska-Curie fellow, gave a talk at the Stanford University, Center for International Security and Cooperation. The talk was called "Good Science and Silenced Security: On Anticipatory Governance in Biobanking” and focused on the security governance of big medical data. Based on research of the biggest harmonization cluster of biomedical research in Europe - BBMRI-ERIC, Dagmar Rychnovská studied how biobankers assess and manage risks and threats to security and how they anticipate broader political and security implications of biobanking. She argues that there are three modes in which security is understood in the European biobanking context: security as data protection, security as privacy, and security as an elephant in the room. While the first two are widely discussed and addressed, the third narrative in which the potential risks of biobanking to the society are discussed is rather marginal, which is explained by the prevailing culture of trust in the biobanking community which prevents the politicisation of broader and more disruptive questions about the challenges that the collection of big medical data may bring.

A video recording of the talk can be accessed online.

During her stay at Stanford University, Dagmar Rychnoská also gave a talk on the militarisation of public debate on disinformation in the Czech Republic, which is available online as well.